I find it quite disturbing that most religions have a golden rule of some sort and yet will not speak out against atrocities like the slaughter of other people who believe differently than they do. Don't speak out against the killing of babies, or the abuse of women. They will tolerate and even promote pedophilia and abuse of children, some even accept bestiality as "Normal Behavior". Several religions have tenets in their 'writings' that allow and promote the lying to other people to protect their egos or their standing in any given matter. How is it that we say we believe we should treat each other as we would want to be treated, but then provide ways of 'forgiveness' for not doing it? If we are to Love one another, why is it EVER OK to perpetrate harm against others simply because we want to? And in particular, doing harm for personal gain.

One tenet says that if we say we "Love God" and hate our brother...the Truth is not in us". Pretty high standard to try and keep.